Quaid-e-Azam’s birthday and Christmas celebrated at Embassy of Pakistan, Paris

Embassy of Pakistan




Paris; December 17, 2023

Quaid-e-Azam’s birthday and Christmas celebrated at Embassy of Pakistan in Paris. Large number of Pakistani community members and French guests participated. Children made speeches about interfaith harmony & highlighted Quaid-e-Azam’s leadership in the creation of Pakistan. Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad wished Merry Xmas to the Pakistani & Christian community in France. He said that Jesus’ message of love, peace & compassion, and Quaid’s vision of freedom & equal rights were manifest in this celebration. President Alleluia France Association, Mr. Francis Xavier thanked the Embassy for arranging the event & remarked that Christianity’s message of peace & brotherhood brings people of all faiths closer together, thus creating a harmonious society. Guests were treated with traditional Pakistani food and music. National songs and Christmas hymns were presented by artists belonging to the Pakistani diaspora.



Press Release – 20 October 2022

Embassy of Pakistan
Press Release
October 20, 2022
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar today met Mr. Thierry Pflimlin, President France-Pakistan Business Council; Mr. François Bitouzet, Managing Director VivaTech; delivered a talk at Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po University; and met a delegation of Association of Grandes Ecoles and  Campus France. 
In her meeting with Mr. Thierry Pflimlin, who is also CEO TOTAL Global Services, trade and economic relations between Pakistan and France as well as investment opportunities in Pakistan came under discussion.
During the meeting with Mr. François Bitouzet, MoS discussed developing linkages between startup sectors of both the countries, and participation of Pakistan in next year’s Vivatech event.
The talk to the students of Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po university was on the topic “Pakistan and the Emerging World Order”, which was followed by a Q&A session. She also exchanged views with the faculty of the university on education cooperation. 
At the meeting with the representatives of Campus France and Conference of Grande Écoles, MoS discussed ways to strengthen institutional linkages and exchanges between Pakistan and France in the field of higher education.

Press Release – 18 October 2022

Embassy of Pakistan
Press Release
October 18, 2022
This morning, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar met Diplomatic Adviser to the French President Mr. Emmanuel Bonne at the Élysée. They discussed the current status of Pakistan-France bilateral relations and exchanged views on important regional and global matters.
Ms. Khar also met today Mr. Bertrand Walckenaer, Additional Director General, French Development Agency (AFD) at Pakistan Embassy in Paris. She lauded AFD’s contribution in energy, sustainable urban development and climate resilience projects in Pakistan. Future cooperation areas also came under discussion.
In the evening, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs held a meeting with Senator Pascal Allizard, President of France-Pakistan Friendship Group in the French Senate and Senator Madam Gisèle Jourda, member of the Group. The meeting was held at the historic building of the French Senate.
MoS appreciated the role played by Senator Allizard in furthering bilateral relations between Pakistan and France, especially in terms of parliamentary cooperation.
Both sides also discussed political, trade, investment, economic , cultural and education ties between the two countries as well as the situation of floods in Pakistan.

Press Release – 17 October 2022

Embassy of Pakistan 
Press Release
October 17, 2022
The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, held meetings today with Mr. Christian Cambon, President Commission for Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces of the French Senate and Mr. Jean-Louis Bourlanges, President Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly. 
The meetings were held at the French Senate and National Assembly respectively.
Pakistan- France bilateral relations including parliamentary cooperation, situation of floods in Pakistan, as well as regional and global issues of mutual interest were discussed during the meetings. 
MoS extended an invitation to both the Presidents to visit Pakistan to further strengthen parliamentary contacts and cooperation between the two countries.
Earlier in the day, MoS held a roundtable with a group of French intellectuals, members of think tanks and scholars. She shared Pakistan’s perspective on important national, regional and global matters, while discussing in-depth the issues raised by the participants.

Visit of Commerce Minister to France

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Release

Visit of Commerce Minister to France

Paris; May 25, 2022

Federal Minister for Commerce Syed Naveed Qamar said that Pakistan enjoys historic friendly and cooperative relations with France and wishes to strengthen and diversify bilateral trade and economic linkages in the years to come.

He was talking to Mr. Franck Riester, France’s Minister for Foreign Trade and Attractiveness here today. Charge d’Affaires Mr. Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi was also present during the meeting. 

The Minister said Pakistan-France trade has witnessed a steady growth in recent years. He emphasized that Pakistan’s strategic location, fast developing infrastructure and liberal investment policies of the government make Pakistan an attractive destination for foreign investors. 

He said since its launch in 2014, the GSP Plus scheme has helped in creating an enabling environment for the implementation of 27 international conventions on human rights, labour rights, environment and good governance in beneficiary countries, besides increasing employment opportunities, especially for women and highlighted its importance for Pakistan’s economy, particularly the export sector.

Syed Naveed Qamar appreciated support of European member states especially France in securing the GSP Plus status in 2014 and hoped that the upcoming GSP Plus 2024 would further strengthen the mutually beneficial trade ties between Pakistan and the EU.

Pakistan wishes to remain constructively engaged with the EU and its member states to further enhance our commercial relations and to cooperate in terms of protection and promotion of social, economic, and other rights of the people of Pakistan, he added. 

He mentioned that Pakistan’s exports to France are dominated by the textile sector, and there is immense potential to diversify trade to other sectors such as agriculture, dairy, clean energy, digital economy and startups. 

Earlier, Commerce Minister met Senator Pascal Allizard, President Pakistan-France Friendship Group in French Senate and discussed matters related to Pakistan-France bilateral relations. He also visited the headquarters of MEDEF International (largest association of French companies) where he was received by Deputy CEO Ms. Géraldine Lemblé. He had a discussion with representatives of French businesses already working in Pakistan or interested in doing business with Pakistan. These included Axens, Bureau Veritas, L’Oréal, Sanofi, Phenixya – Thomson Broadcast, Stellantis , Adit and Sergi France.

Later, the Minister also held an interaction with media persons, and briefed them about the objectives and achievements of his visit. 

The Minister is currently on an official visit to major EU capitals including Brussels, The Hague and Berlin.


Pakistan Day celebrated in France

Embassy of Pakistan

Paris; March 23, 2022
A flag hoisting ceremony was held at the Embassy of Pakistan here this morning to celebrate the 82nd Pakistan Day. Officers of the Embassy and members of the Pakistani community living in France attended the event. Messages of President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out to the audience.
In his remarks Charge d’Affaires a.i., Mr. Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi said 23rd March 1940 was a momentous day when the Muslims of the sub-continent adopted the Pakistan Resolution demanding a separate homeland in order to live their lives as per their own values, culture and faith.
He paid tribute to the visionary leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who united the Muslims of British India under the banner of All India Muslim League and strived for the creation of a free and independent Muslim state as per the aspirations of the Muslims of the sub-continent.
He maintained that the Government of Pakistan, under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan is committed to make Pakistan a progressive and prosperous state.
The ceremony was followed by cultural performances including live Pakistani national songs and tableau by children. The participants also enjoyed traditional Pakistani cuisine.
A photo exhibition on the theme of Clean Green Pakistan was also arranged at the Embassy. Selected photos from all parts of the country were put on display.
