Sohni Dharti Remittance Program (SDRP)

Embassy of Pakistan



The Government of Pakistan under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan has inaugurated the Sohni Dharti Remittance Program (SDRP) on 25 November 2021. This joint venture program is specially designed for Pakistani workers abroad to send remittances to Pakistan through banks and exchange companies while earning reward points. These reward points can then be used to avail different benefits offered by partner organizations. 

For the first time ever, remitters and beneficiaries will now get rewards for every remittance sent home

Sohni Dharti Remittance Program (SDRP) is a point-based loyalty scheme for our remitters who work abroad and send money to their loved ones in Pakistan through banking channels or exchange companies.

It is a unique and first-ever smartphone application available in English and Urdu language that tracks and updates every remittance a remitter sends home and awards remitters with reward points, which can be redeemed for free of cost services at multiple Public Service Entities.

Earn reward points on every remittance you send!

Remitters will earn reward points based on a certain percentage of every remittance one sends. There are three rewarding tiers:




Reward points will be given to remitters based on the following tier criteria:


Annual Remittance Amount (in 1 year)

Reward Points Earning (% of Remittance Amount)

Category Annual Remittance Amount (in 1 year) Reward Points Earning (% of Remittance Amount)
Green Up to USD 10,000 1.00%
Gold From USD 10,001 to USD 30,000 1.25%
Platinum More than USD 30,000 1.50%

Fiscal Year July to June

Equal PKR amount of remittance

Every remittance can upgrade the remitter category level and earn them more reward points.

Reward points appear on the app in the form of a virtual card that updates automatically with reward points after each remittance.

Download and Register

Visit the Google Play Store (for Android Smartphones) or App Store (for iOs Smartphones) and download the app.

On the welcome screen, enter your full name, CNIC number, Passport number and current place of residence.

Details of the scheme are accessible at: 


Latest SOPs for International Passengers Arriving in Pakistan- 5 December 2021

Embassy of Pakistan



          As per the latest instructions issued by the NCOC on 05 December 2021, France has been included in Category B. The following SOPs would therefore apply to all passengers visiting Pakistan:-

  • 100% vaccination for all inbound passengers.
  • All passengers of 06 years age and above are required to be in possession of negative PCR test report (max 48 hours old) before boarding.
  • Rapid Antigen Test of random flights will be conducted at airport on arrival from Cat ‘B’ countries.
  • Rapid Antigen Test negative cases will be allowed to proceed. RAT positive cases will be quarantined for 10 days. RT PCR test of all RAT positive quarantined passengers will be undertaken on 8th day of quarantine. In case of negative result, passenger will be allowed to proceed home. However, in case of positive result, passenger will either undergo additional quarantine period or will be shifted to hospital as per advice of health authorities.



Mr. Shehryar Afridi, Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, was Chief Guest at a Kashmir event in Paris

Embassy of Pakistan




Press Release

Paris; October 15, 2021


Mr. Shehryar Afridi, Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, was Chief Guest at a Kashmir event held here yesterday evening.

A large number of expatriates belonging to Pakistani and Kashmiri communities attended the event. Charge d’Affaires Mr. Muhammed Amjad Aziz Qazi and other officers of the Embassy were also present.

While addressing the gathering, Mr. Afridi highlighted the gross human rights violations committed by Indian occupation forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) and urged Pakistanis and Kashmiris living in France to raise the Kashmir dispute at all forums in the country.

He also apprised the audience of various steps taken recently by the Parliamentary Committee on  Kashmir through involving international universities, media, cultural personalities, IT professionals, think tanks, civil society, faith leaders, human rights activists as well as legal experts for effectively projecting the Kashmir cause at the world stage.

Speaking at the occasion, Charge d’Affaires appreciated Pakistani and Kashmiri communities in France, which have always been forthcoming in highlighting the Kashmir dispute through various activities regularly.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Shehryar Afridi visited the Embassy and discussed with Charge d’ Affaires and officers of the Mission ways and means for promoting the Kashmir cause in France. He also emphasized that Pakistani community in France should be facilitated to the maximum extent, in line with the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan.



Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day celebrated in Paris

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Release

Paris; August 14, 2021

Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day celebrated in Paris

Flag hoisting ceremony was held at Pakistan Embassy, France to commemorate the  Independence Day of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in simple yet dignified manner here today. Charge d’Affaires Mr. Abbas Sarwar Qureshi raised the Pakistani flag to the tune of national anthem in the presence of members of the Pakistani community, Embassy officials and their families.

The messages of the President and Prime Minister were read out on the occasion. Both the leaders paid rich tribute to founding fathers for their vision, impeccable leadership and immense sacrifices of the Muslims of sub-continent to achieve a separate homeland. While expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri, the leadership underscored that we should not forget our Kashmiri brothers and sisters in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), struggling for their right to self-determination under extremely adverse circumstances marked by illegal Indian occupation and unspeakable repression. They reassured that Pakistan will continue to extend its full support to the Kashmiris in their just cause.

In his remarks Charge d’Affaires shed light on the inspiring life of Quaid-e-Azam and said that all Pakistanis need to work actively for the prosperity of their homeland in accordance with Quaid’s vision.

While highlighting the achievements of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government, he said that timely and effective Covid-19 response strategy has been appreciated by the world. With the blessings of Allah Almighty Pakistan remained protected from the worst effects of the pandemic. He urged the Pakistani community in France to excel in all fields and project positive image of Pakistan through their conduct.

Mr. Qureshi highlighted that Pakistan’s positive contribution in promoting global peace and security. He also underscored the vibrant role Pakistan’s women and youth are playing in the development and progress of the country.

The event included poetry recitation by children and certificate distribution among the participants.

On the occasion, the Embassy also arranged a photo exhibition showcasing the vibrant culture, landscape and history of Pakistan. While inaugurating the exhibition Charge d’Affaires said that Pakistan has immense potential for tourism and has been a welcome destination for tourists from across the world.

The ceremony concluded with the prayer for continued progress of Pakistan.




سفارت خانہ پاکستان

پیرس 14 اگست، 2021

پریس ریلیز

پیرس میں پاکستان کا یوم آزادی منایا گیا

اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کے یوم آزادی کی مناسبت سے سادہ مگر پُروقار انداز میں پرچم کشائی کی تقریب آج پاکستان کے سفارت خانہ میں منعقد ہوئی۔قائم مقام سفیر جناب عباس سرور قریشی نے پاکستانی کمیونٹی کے ارکان، سفارت خانہ کے افسران اور ان کے اہل خانہ کی موجودگی میں قومی ترانے کی دھن پرپاکستانی پرچم بلند کیا۔
اس موقع پر صدر اور وزیراعظم کے پیغامات پڑھ کر سنائے گئے۔ دونوں رہنماؤں نے بابائے قوم کو ان کی بصیرت، بے مثال قیادت اور برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کی علیحدہ وطن کے حصول کے لیے بے پناہ قربانیوں کے لیے بھرپور خراج تحسین پیش کیا۔ کشمیریوں کے ساتھ اظہار یکجہتی کرتے ہوئے، انہوں نے اس بات پر زور دیا کہ ہمیں جموں وکشمیر (آئی او او جے کے) میں بھارت کے غیر قانونی تسلط میں قید اپنے کشمیری بھائیوں اور بہنوں کو فراموش نہیں کرنا چاہیے، جو کہ انتہائی ناگفتہ بہ حالات میں اپنے حق خود ارادیت کے لیے جدوجہد کر رہے ہیں۔ انہوں نے یقین دلایا کہ پاکستان کشمیریوں کی ان کے منصفانہ مقصد میں مکمل حمایت جاری رکھے گا۔
قائم مقام سفیر نے اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے قائد اعظم کی متاثر کن زندگی پر روشنی ڈالی اور کہا کہ تمام پاکستانیوں کوعظیم قائد کے خیالات کے مطابق وطن کی خوشحالی کے لیے تندہی سے کام کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔
وزیر اعظم عمران خان کی حکومت کی کامیابیوں پر روشنی ڈالتے ہوئے، انہوں نے کہا کہ دنیا بھر میں کوویڈ 19 کے لیے پاکستان کی بروقت اور موثر حکمت عملی کو سراہا گیا ہے۔ اللہ تعالی کے فضل سے پاکستان اس وبائی مرض کے بدترین اثرات سے محفوظ رہا۔ انہوں نے فرانس میں مقیم پاکستانی کمیونٹی پر زور دیا کہ وہ تمام شعبوں میں اپنے آپ کو نمایاں کریں اور اپنے طرز عمل کے ذریعے پاکستان کی مثبت تصویر پیش کریں۔
قائم مقام سفیر نے عالمی امن اور سلامتی کے فروغ میں پاکستان کے مثبت کردار کو اجاگر کیا۔ علاوہ ازیں انہوں نے ملک کی ترقی میں پاکستان کی خواتین اور نوجوانوں کے مثبت کردار کو سراہا۔
تقریب میں پاکستانی بچوں نے ملی نغمے پیش کیے جس کے بعد شرکاء میں تعریفی اسناد تقسیم کی گئیں۔ اس موقع پر سفارتخانہ نے پاکستان کی تاریخ و ثقافت اور دلکش مناظر پر مبنی تصوریری نمائش کا اہتمام بھی کیا۔ نمائش کا افتتاح کرتے ہوئے قائم مقام سفیر نے کہا کہ پاکستان میں سیاحت کے بے پناہ امکانات ہیں اور یہ دنیا بھر کے سیاحوں کے لیے ایک نعمت سے کم نہیں۔
تقریب کا اختتام پاکستان کی خوشحالی کے لیے دعا کے ساتھ ہوا۔


Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir seminar in Paris

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Release

Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir seminar in Paris

Paris; August 5, 2021

A seminar was organized at the Embassy of Pakistan here today to observe the Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir marking the completion of two years since Indian illegal and unilateral action of altering the internationally recognized special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Members of French civil society and media as well as Pakistani and Kashmiri communities in Paris attended the event.

Charge d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Abbas Sarwar Qureshi emphasized that during the last two years residents of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) have been subject to unprecedented form of human rights abuses like extra judicial killings, enforced disappearances, communication blockade, as well as suffocating curfews. But, he said, no repression can crush the determination of the Kashmiri people.

While highlighting the illegal actions of Indian government taken on August 5, 2019, he said that by allowing Hindus to settle down in the disputed territory, India is changing the demographic status of IIOJK in an effort to reduce Kashmiris to a minority in their own homeland.

Mr. Qureshi thanked the EU MPs for writing a letter highlighting the plight of Kashmiri people and urged the international community to play its role in the resolution of Kashmir dispute as per the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people and in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions.

He reiterated the commitment of government of Pakistan in supporting the Kashmiris in their just struggle and legitimate right to self-determination, in accordance with international law, UN Charter and relevant UN Security Council resolutions and mentioned that Prime Minister Imran Khan considers himself as an ambassador of the Kashmiri people.

Expressing his views on the occasion French journalist Mr. Paul Comiti shared his experience of visiting Azad Jammu and Kashmir in 2019 and said that he was pleased to see that people in AJK were leading a life of security and freedom. The situation there seemed to be in marked contrast to what was happening in IIOJK.

He said every society needs hope to survive, and it is the responsibility of the international community not to let hope of the people of IIOJK die down in the face of India’s illegal occupation and continued aggression.

Other speakers of seminar also criticized the Indian government for its illegal actions of August 5, 2019 and showed support and solidarity for Kashmiris in their just struggle for right to self-determination.

A documentary showcasing the atrocities committed in IIOJK since August 5, 2019 was shown to the audience and messages of President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were read out.

On this occasion, a photographic exhibition was also held at the chancery, in which historical photographs of the Kashmir struggle against Indian military siege were put on display.

Officials wore black arm bands. The ceremony was held following strict Covid-19 SOPs issued by the French government.



Webinar on Roshan Digital Account for Pakistani community France

Embassy of Pakistan




Webinar on Roshan Digital Account for Pakistani community France

Paris; June 8, 2021

The Embassy of Pakistan France arranged a webinar on Roshan Digital Account in collaboration with Meezan Bank to provide information regarding Roshan Digital Account (RDA) to members of the Pakistani community living in France. Senior officials of State Bank of Pakistan, Central Depositary Company of Pakistan and Meezan Bank explained the modalities related to the RDA and responded to queries.

Participants were assured that investment done in RDA is not only safe but also sharia compliant. Upon completion of formalities the account is opened in just 48 hours and banks are carrying out their monitoring of the accounts on 24/7 basis. Funds can be deposited from overseas and withdrawn from Pakistan and any time can be repatriated out of Pakistan.

Charge d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Amjad Aziz Qazi thanked the management of Meezan Bank for arranging this webinar which provided valuable information to the Pakistanis living in France.

While expressing his views he said that government had won the hearts of overseas Pakistanis by taking the RDA initiative and mentioned that members of the Pakistani community in France had been looking for means to securely invest their hard-earned money in Pakistan, which was possible through RDA.



Community meeting at Pakistan Embassy France

Embassy of Pakistan




Community meeting at Pakistan Embassy France


Paris; June 4, 2021

A meeting of the Pakistani community was held at the Pakistan Embassy here today. Charge d’Affaires, a.i. Mr. M. Amjad Aziz Qazi said that as per the vision of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Embassy is making all-out effort in serving the Pakistani community in France. Members of the Pakistani community play an important role, not only in sending valuable remittances back home, but also in creating a positive image of the country in their host countries, he added.

Mr. Qazi said that on the instructions of Prime Minister’s Office four Khuli Katcheris have been held in which complaints of the community were listened to and steps taken for their prompt redressal. He said last Friday of each month has been fixed for these meetings so that community members can plan their engagements accordingly in advance.

He emphasized that the Embassy is doing its best to facilitate the community and provision of services to the community was kept operational even during lockdown period. He informed that WhatsApp groups have been made for Pakistani students and professionals so that their issues can be resolved without delay.

He mentioned that throughout the Covid-19 pandemic support was provided to destitute community members, especially for the transportation of dead bodies to Pakistan. To facilitate the members of Pakistani community an online appointment system has been launched so that people do not have to wait for their turn. However, all those who come to the embassy without prior appointment are also entertained, he added.

Charge d’Affaires told the community members that the Roshan Digital Account initiative of the government of Pakistan has been a resounding success as more than 150,000 Pakistanis from over 170 countries have so far invested 1.25 billion dollars in it. He encouraged the community members to make best use of the opportunities provided by it.

He informed the community members that on the longstanding demand of Pakistani community, a NADRA desk will soon be operational at Pakistan Embassy Paris, which would create efficiency in provision of consular services.

Members of the community appreciated the services being provided by the Embassy in a timely manner and gave their suggestions. They also requested the Embassy to play a role in resumption of PIA flights to France. Charge d’Affaires assured them of embassy’s full cooperation in further facilitating the community.
