Le Pakistan continuera à jouer son rôle pour promouvoir le Cricket en France

Ambassade du Pakistan
Service Presse

Communiqué de Pressse

Le Pakistan continuera à jouer son rôle pour promouvoir le Cricket en France

Paris, le 9 mai 2017

Le Pakistan continuera à jouer un rôle proactif pour promouvoir le sport de Cricket en France afin de renforcer encore plus les liens d’amitié qui existent entre les peuples des deux pays.
C’est ce que l’Ambassadeur du Pakistan en France M. Moin ul Haque a déclaré en s’adressant à un grand rassemblement des amateurs de cricket lors d’une cérémonie de remise de prix du Tournoi de Cricket de Rue organisé par l’Association des activités multiculturelles et sportive de Sarcelles, en Ile-de-France, hier.
M. Francois Pupponi, président du Groupe d’amitié franco-pakistanais à l’Assemblée Nationale, M. Predou Dalane, président de Cricket France et M. Umair Baig, président de l’association des activités multiculturelles et sportives de Sarcelles ont également assisté à la cérémonie.
L’Ambassadeur du Pakistan a constaté avec satisfaction que le Cricket en France est un sport de plus en plus pratiqué grâce au lancement réussi des deux éditions du Championnat Jinnah du Cricket, en 2015 et 2016, sous les auspices du Pakistan. Il a exprimé son appréciation à l’Association des activités multiculturelles et sportives de Sarcelles pour avoir organisé avec succès le tournoi Street Cricket en France.
Pendant la cérémonie, M. François Pupponi, président du Groupe d’amitié franco-pakistanais à l’Assemblée nationale a dit que le tournoi de Cricket de la rue était comme un symbole de l’amitié Franco-pakistanaise et que la tenue de tels événements offrait des opportunités saines et constructives à des jeunes d’origines et de cultures différentes pour interagir et créer des liens durables.
L’ambassadeur et M. Francois Pupponi ont ensuite distribué des trophées et des prix aux équipes gagnantes. Au total, 24 équipes ont participé au tournoi.

Embassy of Pakistan
Press Section
Pakistan will continue to play its role to promote Cricket in France

Paris, 9th May, 2017: Pakistan will continue to play a proactive role to promote game of Cricket in France with a view to further strengthen the existing friendly relations between peoples of the Pakistan and France.
This was stated by the Ambassador of Pakistan to France Mr. Moin ul Haque while addressing a large gathering of the cricket fans at the prize distribution ceremony of the Street Cricket Tournament organized by the Association of Multicultural and Sports of Sarcelles, a town located in the suburb of Paris, France, yesterday.
The ceremony was also attended by Francois Pupponi, the President of France-Pakistan Friendship Group in the National Assembly of France, Mr. Predou Dalane President of Cricket France and Mr. Umair Baig, the President of Association of Multicultural and Sports, Sarcelles.
The Ambassador noted with satisfaction that the game of cricket in France is becoming increasingly popular after successful holding of Pakistan sponsored two editions of Jinnah Champions Trophy in 2015 and 2016. He appreciated the Association of Multicultural and Sports of Sarcelles for successfully organizing the Street Cricket Tournament in France.
While speaking on the occasion, Mr. Francois Pupponi, the President of France-Pakistan Friendship Group in the National Assembly of France termed the Street Cricket Tournament a symbol of Pakistan France Friendship and said that holding of such events provide healthy and constructive opportunities to the youths of different origins and cultural backgrounds to interact and build lasting bonds with each other.
The Ambassador and Mr. Francois Pupponi later distributed trophies and prizes to the winning teams. In all 24 teams took part in the tournament.

پریس سیکشن
پریس ریلیز

پاکستان فرانس میں کرکٹ کے فروغ کیلئے اپنا کردار ادا کرتا رہے گا

مورخہ  9 مئی 2017ء: پاکستان فرانس میں کرکٹ کے کھیل کو فروغ دینے کیلئے اپنا مثبت کردار ادا کرتا رہے گا تاکہ پاکستان اور فرانس کے عوام کے درمیان موجودہ دوستانہ تعلقات کو مزید مستحکم کیا جاسکے۔

یہ بات سفیر پاکستان جناب معین الحق نے سٹریٹ کرکٹ ٹورنامنٹ کی تقسیم انعامات کی تقریب جس میں بڑی تعداد میں کرکٹ کے شائقین شریک تھے سے خطاب کے دوران کہی۔ اس کرکٹ ٹورنامنٹ کا انعقاد ایسوسی ایشن آف ملٹی کلچرل اینڈ سپوٹس، سارسل فرانس نے گذشتہ روز کیا تھا۔

اس تقریب میں فرانسوا پاپونی، صدر، پاکستان فرانس دوستی گروپ قومی اسمبلی فرانس، جناب پیودو دالان صدر کرکٹ کلب فرانس اور جناب عمیر بیگ صدر ایسوسی ایشن آف ملٹی کلچرل اینڈ سپوٹس، سارسل نے بھی شرکت کی۔

سفیر پاکستان نے کہا کہ پاکستان کی طرف سے جناح چمپینز ٹرافی 2015 اور 2016 کے کامیاب انعقاد کے بعد فرانس میں کرکٹ کا کھیل تیزی سے مقبول ہو رہا ہے۔ انہوں نے فرانس میں سٹریٹ کرکٹ ٹورنامنٹ کے کامیاب انعقاد کرانے پر ایسوسی ایشن آف ملٹی کلچرل اینڈ سپوٹس کو مبارک باد دیتے ہوئے امید ظاہر کی کہ وہ آئندہ بھی فرانس میں کرکٹ کے فروغ کیلئے اپنا کردار ادا کرتے رہیں گے۔

جناب فرانسوا پاپونی، صدر پاکستان فرانس دوستی گروپ قومی اسمبلی فرانس نے اس موقع پرخطاب کرتے ہوئے سٹریٹ کرکٹ ٹورنامنٹ کو پاکستان فرانس دوستی کی علامت قرار دیا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اس طرح کے ٹورنامنٹ کے انعقاد سے نوجوانوں میں کھیل اور تعمیری مصروفیات کے رحجان کی ترغیب دینے کے علاوہ مختلف سماج اور ثقافت سے تعلق رکھنے والے لوگوں اور بالخصوص نوجوانوں میں ایک دوسرے کو سمجھنے اور آپس میں تعمیری اور مثبت تعلقات استوار کرنے کی ترغیب بھی ملتی ہے۔

بعدازاں سفیر پاکستان اور جناب فرانسوا پاپونی نے جیتنے والی ٹیموں میں ٹرافی اور انعامات تقسیم کیئے۔ اس ٹورنامنٹ میں 24 ٹیموں نے حصہ لیا۔

Qamar Bashir
Counsellor (Press)
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris
01 45 61 48 98 (office)
01 45 61 10 17 (fax)
E-mail: presssectionparis@gmail.com
Address: 18 Rue Lord Byron
Paris 75



Pakistan and France enjoys upward Trajectory in Bilateral trade

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Section 





Paris, May 2nd 2017.  A 20-member delegation of National Defence University (NDU) visited Pakistan Embassy in Paris today, where they received a briefing from Pakistan’s Ambassador to France Moin ul Haque on Pakistan France bilateral relations.

The Ambassador said that the Pakistan and France enjoy cordial and warm bilateral relations and closely work together on issues of global peace and security. The countries aim to further strengthen the relations through high level visits, parliamentary exchanges, private sector interaction, investments, education and cultural cooperation.

He said that steady increase in bilateral trade which registered an overall increase of 16% last year augurs well for the future. The recent successful visit of French business delegation would further contribute in consolidation of economic and commercial relations.

The Ambassador also briefed them about Embassy’s public diplomacy initiative under the theme ‘Celebrating Pakistan’ to show case Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage in France with a view to promote soft image of Pakistan.

During its weeklong study tour to Paris, the NDU delegation is scheduled to visit French Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Delegation will also interact with French Center for Advance Studies and Foundation for Strategic Research to receive briefings about French perspectives about domestic, regional and international political and security environment.

NDU is one of Pakistan’s premier training institutions. It is a renowned center of excellence in academic and research pursuits providing policy inputs on national security at strategic level and acting as a national think tank.


Qamar Bashir
Counsellor (Press)
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris
01 45 61 48 98 (office)
01 45 61 10 17 (fax)

E-mail: presssectionparis@gmail.com


Address: 18 Rue Lord Byron

 Paris 75008, France



Pakistan has embarked on a broad based programme for social sector development.

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Section




Pakistan has embarked on a broad based programme for social sector development.

Paris, 26th April, 2017. Pakistan Government duly recognizes the importance of societal development and empowerment of people and has embarked on a broad based programme for social sector development.

This was stated by the Mr. Haseeb Athar Secretary, Ministry of Education Pakistan in his country statement at the 201st Session of the UNESCO Executive Board held in Paris, France.

The session was presided over by the Ambassador Michael Worbs from Germany and was also attended by Madam Irina Bokova Director-General of UNESCO, Ambassador of Pakistan to France and Permanent Delegate of Pakistan to UNESCO Moin ul Haque and other fifty eight Executive Board members.

Mr. Athar Haseeb said that Pakistan attaches high importance to education especially the girls education as Pakistan believe that education is an enabler for peace and development, helps in reduction of poverty and inequalities, address extremist tendencies and thus lead to better, peaceful, sustainable and inclusive societies.

Secretary Education said that government of Pakistan encourages the women to play their due role in development, prosperity and progress of the country and in this regard a number of legislative, financial and administrative measures have been taken to raise awareness among women about their rights, and participation and protection in public life.

Secretary also reposed Pakistan’s full support to UNECSO and hoped that UNESCO will continue to serve as a house of global peace, constructive debate and meaningful cooperation. Pakistan believed that UNESCO’s mandate and role of fostering peace and promoting inter-cultural understanding is still important and relevant today.

The Secretary assured the UNESCO Board that Pakistan would continue to work together with the global community in striving for an equitable, just, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world to make it a better place for our future generations.


Qamar Bashir
Counsellor (Press)
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris
01 45 61 48 98 (office)
01 45 61 10 17 (fax)

E-mail: presssectionparis@gmail.com


Address: 18 Rue Lord Byron

 Paris 75008, France

3 Attachments



79th Death Anniversary of Dr. Allama Iqbal observed in France

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Section




79th Death Anniversary of Dr. Allama Iqbal observed in France

21st April, 2017:   Embassy of Pakistan to France organized a conference on the theme, “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam by Dr. Allama Iqbal: A Case Study”, to mark the 79th death anniversary of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan in collaboration with Algerian Centre in Paris France, yesterday.

The keynote speaker Mr. Karim Ifrak a researcher, historian and specialist on muslim world at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) read a paper on the theme “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam by Allama Iqbal: A Case Study”.

Mr. Karim Ifrak said that Allama Iqbal advised the Muslims to come out of their “intellectual paralysis” and acquired modern knowledge to appreciate and understand eternal principles of Islam which are aimed at regulating collective lives of the Muslims and to provide a foothold to them in the world of perpetual change.

While speaking on the occasion, the Ambassador of Pakistan to France Moin ul Haque said that Dr. Allama Iqbal was one of the greatest poet, thinker and philosopher of the last century. He gave the Muslims of the Sub-continent a vision for a separate homeland and Pakistan today symbolizes the legacy of this great visionary.

The Ambassador also spoke about Iqbal’s concept of Khudi – the purification of the inner soul to attain higher standards of morality, decency and self-control.

Later, the Pakistan Subhan Group of Qawwals captivated the audience with soulful recitation of poems and couplets from the poetry of Allama Iqbal.


Qamar Bashir
Counsellor (Press)
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris
01 45 61 48 98 (office)
01 45 61 10 17 (fax)

E-mail: presssectionparis@gmail.com


Address: 18 Rue Lord Byron

 Paris 75008, France


Pak Subhan Group of Qawwals Performs in Paris

Embassy of Pakistan



Press Section




Pak Subhan Group of Qawwals Performs in Paris


Paris, 4th April, 2017:    Pakistani Qawwals Subhan Group gave an enthralling performance during a Qawwali Concert jointly organized by the Embassy of Pakistan to France and Radio France International to mark yearlong celebrations of 70 years of Pakistan’s Independence.

The Qawwali concert held in the spacious auditorium of Radio France International (RFI) in Paris last night attracted large number of sufi music fans from various walks of life.

The Ambassador of Pakistan to France Moin ul Haque, who was the chief guest at the occasion, while speaking to Radio France International (RFI) said the Pakistan Embassy was happy to partner with RFI in organizing the concert as part of Embassy’s Public Diplomacy initiative launched in France under the theme ‘Celebrating Pakistan’ to show case Pakistan’s rich music traditions, beautiful landscapes and culture heritage.

He said that the Qawwali is an intrinsic part of traditional music of Pakistan and is admired in rest of the world because of its message of divine love and universal brotherhood. He praised the performance of Subhan Group, which belongs to a respectable Qawwal family of Pakistan.

During its month long stay in Europe, the Subhan Group will perform in various cities of the France and Belgium besides giving Qawwali classes to French musicians.

The Qawwali concert by Subhan Group was the second Qawwali event in Paris after successful performance of the Ayaz Farid and Abu Mohammad Qawwal Group in March this year.

Qamar Bashir
Counsellor (Press)
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris
01 45 61 48 98 (office)
01 45 61 10 17 (fax)

E-mail: presssectionparis@gmail.com


Address: 18 Rue Lord Byron

 Paris 75008, France



21-Member Delegation of French Business Confederation (MEDEF) is all set to explore business in Pakistan

Embassy of Pakistan


Press Section



21-Member Delegation of French Business Confederation (MEDEF) is all set to explore business in Pakistan

Paris, 29th March, 2017: A 21-Member Delegation of French Business Confederation (MEDEF) headed by Thierry Pflimin, Chairman of France-Pakistan Business Council of MEDEF and President of Total Global Services is travelling to Pakistan on a 3-day visit to explore business, trade and investment opportunities from 4-6 April, 2017.

The Ambassador of Pakistan to France Moin ul Haque who gave a detailed pre-visit briefing to the delegation earlier this week in Paris termed the visit as historic. He said that the visit would provide members of the French delegation a first-hand experience of attractive investment opportunities and facilitation offered by Pakistan to the foreign investors.

The Ambassador briefed them about the economic turnaround of Pakistan, which has been termed as one of the world’s top emerging economies. He expressed the hope that the visit of the MEDEF delegation to Pakistan will give a renewed impetus to business, trade and investment ties between Pakistan and France.

The MEDEF visit is jointly organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in Paris and the Embassy of France in Pakistan. It consists of senior representatives of renowned French companies including Airbus, Credit Agricole, Engie, JC Decaux, Suez, Thales and Total. The delegation will visit the cities of Islamabad and Karachi and will hold meetings with Ministers and senior officials and as well as private and public sector companies, Business Council of Pakistan and Pakistan France Business Alliance.

MEDEF is composed of 85 sectoral federations and 155 local federations bringing together on a single platform more than 750,000 small, medium and large French enterprises.




Pakistan Co-hosted International Nowrauz Festival at UNESCO Headquarter, Paris

Embassy of Pakistan

Press Section


Paris, 27th March, 2017: An impressive and colourful ceremony to celebrate International Nowrouz Festival was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris today. The event was co-hosted by Pakistan alongwith other regional countries from South Asia and Central Asia.
Regional folk performance and cuisines reflecting the rich social and cultural diversity of the Nowrouz sharing countries was presented during the event.
Nowrouz has been inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and its celebrations promote values of reconciliation, good neighborliness, cultural diversity and friendship among peoples and different communities.

Qamar Bashir
Counsellor (Press)
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris
01 45 61 48 98 (office)
01 45 61 10 17 (fax)
E-mail: presssectionparis@gmail.com
Address: 18 Rue Lord Byron
Paris 75008, France


Pak Qawwals captivated French audience with their mystical performance

Embassy of Pakistan

Press Section


Press Release


Pak Qawwals captivated French audience with their mystical performance

Paris 28th March, 2017. Pakistani Qawwals Ayaz Farid and Abu Mohammad captivated the French audience with their performance in a Qawwali concert organized by the Embassy of Pakistan to France as part of its Public Diplomacy Initiative ‘celebrating Pakistan’ and as well as to mark seventy years of the Independence of Pakistan.

The Qawwali concert held in Paris last night was attended by high ranking French government officials, member of French civil society, diplomats, members of international organizations, notables of Pakistani community and media persons in large number.

Ayaz Farid and Abu Mohammad who come from an illustrious family of sufi musicians presented a soulful renditions of sufi music and won memorable appreciation form a distinguished parisien gathering.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador of Pakistan to France Moin ul Haque said that the holding of a Sufi Music event in Paris, the cultural hub of Europe, aimed to introduce Pakistan’s rich and authentic musical traditions to France and to spread the message of peace and harmony.

The Ambassador added that under ‘Celebrating Pakistan’ initiative, the Embassy has plans to organize a number of events throughout the year in France to show case Pakistan’s beautiful landscapes, culture heritage, art and crafts and the achievements of the Pakistan’s in the fields of education, business, sports, film-making and fashion.

Pakistan Embassy to France hosted a Grand Reception to March Pakistan Day

Embassy of Pakistan

Press Section


Press Release


Pakistan Embassy to France hosted a Grand Reception to March Pakistan Day


Paris 24th March, 2017. Embassy of Pakistan to France hosted a grand reception in Paris on 23rd March to mark the Pakistan Day.


Mr. Francois Pupponi, the French Parliamentarian and President of France-Pakistan Friendship Group in the French National Assembly, Mr. Xavier Lemoine Mayor of Montfermeil city, high level French dignitaries, members of the Diplomatic Corps, intellectuals, researchers, scholars, prominent Pakistani expatriates and members of French and Pakistani media attended the reception in large number.


During the ceremony, guests from all walks of life interacted with each other and congratulated officers and staff of the Pakistan embassy on their National Day.


Live Pakistani national songs alongwith impactful documentaries on Pakistan played during the reception were greatly appreciated by the participants.


A special corner adorned with traditional Pakistan handicrafts was also a source of attraction for the guests.


The guests were treated with traditional and signature Pakistani dishes.

The 77th National Day of Pakistan was celebrated in the France with national zeal and fervor

Embassy of Pakistan

Press Section


23rd March, 2017: A Flag Hoisting ceremony was held at the Embassy of Pakistan in France, Paris today to Commemorate Pakistan day.
The ceremony was attended amongst others by the Pakistani community, officers of the missions and their families and media persons in large number.
Addressing the ceremony, the Ambassador of Pakistan to France Moin ul Haque paid rich tributes to Father of the Nation and other national leaders of the Pakistan Movement, who with their untiring efforts and immense sacrifices finally carved a separate homeland for the Muslims of India on 14th August, 1947. This year we are also celebrating 70 years of our independence he added.

The Ambassador said that today Pakistan stands amongst the community of nations as an important country with strong democratic institutions, a fast growing economy, independent judiciary, and free media.

He also briefed the participants about the steps taken by the government to address the issues of terrorism and extremism, eliminate power shortages, upgrade the road and railway network and education and health infrastructure ushering a new era of development and prosperity.

The Ambassador thanked the Pakistani community in France for their constructive role in projecting Pakistan’s positive image in France. He said that while our forefathers gave sacrifices to attain a homeland for us, it is our collective responsibility to make Pakistan a strong, peace loving and prosperous country for our future generations.

The massages of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan issued on the occasion were also read.

Later in the evening, the Ambassador hosted a diplomatic reception to mark the Pakistan Day. French members of the parliament, high ranking civil and military officials, intellectuals, scholars and foreign diplomats in France attended the reception in large number.